Friday 22 January 2010

Printer Inks - How Expensive?!

Did you know if you multiplied up the cost of a 13ml Canon Ink Cartidge (commonly £10.99) it comes to £845 a litre. - And I thought a decent scotch was expensive!!

How do companies like Canon and Epson get away with it? It's daylight robbery. Genuine paper is a rip off too! I know the cost model they use is to sell the printers cheap and make a fortune on the consumables. Anyone doing serious work has to use the genuine consumables - but I think the companies have just become hugely greedy over the last few years!

Let's get a few thousand people together  to write to Canon, Epson, HP moaning like crazy about their exhorbitant prices!  :o)


Hi, I'm Andrew. Welcome to my blog. I thought I would give it a try and see if there is anyone out there that might be interested in news, updates and comments relating to my hobby; Digital Photography.

I run a website to showcase some of my work. You can see it at:

Over time I'll be adding news of my exploits, updates, some pictures perhaps and of course I will always want to hear comments from others.

In order to help fund my hobby (it gets expensive when you want lots of gear and you print and frame your own pictures too!) I run a couple of other websites too. One is simply a shopping site offering many discounts and money off vouchers for customers, the other is a fitness related site. You can visit either by going to:

Feel free to take a look and feel even more free to make your next purchase via the shopping site taking advantage of one of the many money off discount vouchers.